Using ETF Internal Analytics to Identify Mean Reversion Opportunities (python)


Since I started producing the following graphic for the ETF Internal Analytics product, I found the weekly return bin information compelling. I became curious about whether there was an opportunity to be exploited in the distribution patterns. 

Blackarbs ETF Internal Analytics Sample for SPY 

I distilled all the questions I had into two: 

  1. Does the percentage of ETF component stocks at various return levels provide actionable information?
  2. Can a long-short market-neutral strategy be constructed by analyzing the relative return dispersion of each ETF's stock components?

To answer these questions I used a combination of tools/data sources including State Street's SPDR Holdings data, the Yahoo Finance API, and Python.  To start I import the necessary packages.

from decimal import Decimal
dplaces = Decimal('0.0001')
import pandas as pd
from pandas.tseries.offsets import *
import as web
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
%matplotlib inline
sz = 8
mlt = 1.66
size=(mlt * sz, sz)
import seaborn as sns
sns.set_style('white', {"xtick.major.size": 2, "ytick.major.size": 2})
flatui = ["#9b59b6", "#3498db", "#95a5a6", "#e74c3c", "#34495e", "#2ecc71","#f4cae4"]
from collections import OrderedDict as od
import _blk_ETF_Internals_
etfi = _blk_ETF_Internals_.etfInternals()

Below I define `all_etf_symbols` as an ordered dictionary with key, value pairs equivalent to the ETF symbol, and a list of the ETF's component stocks. For brevity's sake I omit some of the data cleanup processes I did to construct the dictionary.

all_etf_symbols = od([
                    ('SPY',SPY), ('DIA',DIA), ('QQQ',QQQ), 
                    ('XLB',XLB), ('XLE',XLE), ('XLF',XLF), 
                    ('XLI',XLI), ('XLK',XLK), ('XLP',XLP), 
                    ('XLU',XLU), ('XLV',XLV), ('XLY',XLY),
                    ('FTSE',FTSE), ('DAX',DAX), ('TSX',TSX), ('ASX',ASX)        

Next I define a convenience function to get the ETF prices. I also create a list of date tuples with each member of the tuple being a date from the same week anchored to Monday and Friday. This index gets reused multiple times.

def _get_px(symbol, start, end):
    return web.DataReader(symbol, 'yahoo', start, end)['Adj Close']
# ======================================================== #
# get query dates anchored to last 52 weeks Monday
start_query, end_query = etfi._get_query_dates()    
# ======================================================== #  
# Get ETF/Index price data for performance analytics
etf_syms = ['SPY', 'DIA', 'QQQ', 'XLB', 'XLE', \
			'XLI', 'XLK','XLP', 'XLU', 'XLV', 'XLY', \
            '^FTSE', '^GDAXI', '^GSPTSE', '^AXJO']

ETF_px = pd.DataFrame()
for sym in etf_syms:
    ETF_px[sym] = _get_px(sym, start_query, end_query)
rets = np.log(ETF_px / ETF_px.shift(1)).dropna()
# ======================================================== #  
# create list of date tuples with weekly Monday and Friday dates
today =
date_str = today.strftime('%m-%d-%y')

start = today - 252 * BDay()
idx_monday = pd.bdate_range(start, today - 5 * BDay(), freq='W-MON')
idx_friday = pd.bdate_range(start, today, freq='W-FRI')

dates = []
n = 0
for ifri in idx_friday[1:]:
        n += 1
        imon = idx_monday[n - 1]
        dates.append((imon, ifri))
    except: break

Next we calculate the return bins and organize them by dates. I split this process by separating the positive return bins and negative return bins. Additionally the data is indexed so that the return bin calculations we perform are available the following Monday to avoid injecting look-ahead bias into the analysis. To facilitate this portion of the analysis I define several convenience functions.

# ======================================================================= #  
def _get_return_bins(ETF_symbol, symbols, location_h5, start_date, end_date): 
    """Function to aggregate the size of the return bins

    ETF_symbol = str() - etf symbol being analyzed
    symbols = list of ETF component symbols
    location_h5 = str() - hdf5 file location which stores ETF raw price data
    start_date = pd.datetime() - start date of lookback
    end_date = pd.datetime()

    N_pos = pd.DataFrame() - with stock counts (absolute and percent)
    		meeting or exceeding each return threshold with
            index=list of thresholds
    N_neg = pd.DataFrame() - see above
    """Extract Close Prices"""
    px = etfi._extract_adjclose_px(location_h5, symbols)

    """Set key parameters"""
    N_stocks = len(px.columns)
    log_returns = etfi._calc_log_returns(px)
    log_returns = log_returns.ix[start_date:end_date]

    """Calculate thresholds"""
    pos_thresh = [0., .01, .02, .03, .04, .05, .06, .07, .1, .15, .2]
    neg_thresh = [ flt * -1. for flt in pos_thresh ]

    N_pos = _calc_return_thresholds(log_returns.resample('1W', how='sum'), pos_thresh, N_stocks, pos=True)
    N_neg = _calc_return_thresholds(log_returns.resample('1W', how='sum'), neg_thresh, N_stocks)
    return N_pos, N_neg
# ======================================================================= #  
def _calc_return_thresholds(log_returns, list_of_thresholds,
											N_stocks, pos=None):
    """Function to calculate the quantity of stocks 
    meeting or exceeding a return threshold

    list_of_thresholds: a list of return thresholds 
    log_returns: dataframe of equity returns
    N_stocks = int() > 0: count of component stocks
    pos = boolean, if True calculates positive thresholds else negative

    N_thresh = pd.DataFrame() - stock counts (absolute and percent) 
    			meeting or exceeding each return threshold with
                index=list of thresholds
    if pos:
        N_thresh = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Count', 
        			'Percent of Total Stocks'], index=list_of_thresholds)
        for thresh in list_of_thresholds:
            l = [1 for i in log_returns.ix[-1] if i >= thresh]
            N_thresh.loc[thresh]['Count'] = sum(l)
        N_thresh['Percent of Total Stocks'] = (N_thresh['Count'] / N_stocks)
        return N_thresh
        N_thresh = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Count', 
        	'Percent of Total Stocks'], index=list_of_thresholds)
        for thresh in list_of_thresholds:
            l = [1 for i in log_returns.ix[-1] if i <= thresh]
            N_thresh.loc[thresh]['Count'] = sum(l)
        N_thresh['Percent of Total Stocks'] = (N_thresh['Count'] / N_stocks)
        return N_thresh    
# ======================================================================= #
def _quantize(val):
    return Decimal(val).quantize(dplaces)

def _format_bins(npos, nneg):
    """Function to quantize Percent of Stocks column for readability
    npos, nneg = pd.DataFrame() containing return bin data
    npos, nneg = reformatted pd.Series() - returns Percent of Total Stocks
    npos['Percent of Total Stocks'] = npos['Percent of Total Stocks'].apply(_quantize)
    nneg['Percent of Total Stocks'] = nneg['Percent of Total Stocks'].apply(_quantize)
    return npos, nneg

def _add_columns(df, empty_df, etf_sym):
    """Function to dynamically add columns to empty dataframe"""
    empty_df[etf_sym] = df['Percent of Total Stocks']
    return empty_df      

1. Separate data by positive(negative) return thresholds
2. Iterate through index with length = len of dates list
3. For each i (interval/date) compute the size (absolute/percent)
	of return bins
4. Construct ordered dictionary using key, value pairs
	equal to the Date of info availability, and the 
    dataframe of return bin data
idx = range(len(dates))
by_date_pos = od()
by_date_neg = od()
MON, FRI = 0, 1

for i in idx: 
    pos_df = pd.DataFrame()
    neg_df = pd.DataFrame()
        for etf_sym, symbols in all_etf_symbols.items():
            start_date = dates[i][MON]
            end_date = dates[i][FRI]
            location = price_path + r'{}\{} ETF Market Internals
            Price Data {}.h5'.format(date_str, etf_sym, date_str) 

            npos, nneg = _get_return_bins(etf_sym, symbols, 
            		location, start_date, end_date)
            npos, nneg = _format_bins(npos, nneg)    

            pos_df = _add_columns(npos, pos_df, etf_sym)
            neg_df = _add_columns(nneg, neg_df, etf_sym)

        # The return bin information from previous week 
        is available the next monday
        by_date_pos[dates[i+1][MON]] = pos_df
        by_date_neg[dates[i+1][MON]] = neg_df
    except: break

Here's a sample output after running the above script. Using the below example focusing in on the SPY column, the data would be interpreted as, on Monday 4/20/2016, ~17% of SPY's component stocks had gained 1% or more over the previous week. 

Now we calculate and group each ETF's weekly returns by date. Like before we index the data such that previous week's return data is available the following Monday. I define two convenience functions to help. The first function simply returns the log returns over the selected period. The second function converts between Yahoo Finance symbols and the symbols used for this study.

# ======================================================================= #
def _weekly_returns(returns, start_date, end_date): 
    """Function to compute sum of log returns over some period
    returns = pd.DataFrame() - ETF returns
    start_date = pd.datetime()
    end_date = pd.datetime()
    by_week_returns = pd.Series() - index = ETF symbols, 
                                    data = sum() of previous week's returns
    selected_returns = returns.ix[start_date:end_date]
    by_week_returns = selected_returns.sum()
    return by_week_returns
# ======================================================================= #
def _convert_symbol(symbol, reverse=None):
    '''Function to convert foreign index symbol to yahoo finance symbol'''
    if not reverse:
        compatible_syms = ['^FTSE', '^GDAXI', '^GSPTSE', '^AXJO']
        incompatible_syms = ['FTSE','DAX','TSX','ASX']        
        compatible_symbol = None 
        # iterate to check if any symbols are incompatible
        for inc in incompatible_syms:
            if symbol == inc:
                idx_loc = incompatible_syms.index(inc)
                compatible_symbol = compatible_syms[idx_loc]
                return compatible_symbol
        # if compatible_symbol is None then symbol is good; return it
        if not compatible_symbol:
            return symbol
    elif reverse:
        compatible_syms = ['FTSE','DAX','TSX','ASX']
        incompatible_syms = ['^FTSE', '^GDAXI', '^GSPTSE', '^AXJO']
        compatible_symbol = None
        # iterate to check if any symbols are incompatible
        for inc in incompatible_syms:
            if symbol == inc:
                idx_loc = incompatible_syms.index(inc)
                compatible_symbol = compatible_syms[idx_loc]
                return compatible_symbol
        # if compatible_symbol is None then symbol is good; return it
        if not compatible_symbol:
            return symbol
# ======================================================================= #
1. Create ordered dict to hold weekly return data organized by date

by_date_returns = od()
idx = range(len(dates))
for n in idx:     
        start_date = dates[n][MON]
        end_date = dates[n][FRI]
        tmp_rets = _weekly_returns(rets, start_date, end_date)

        idx = []
        for i in tmp_rets.index:
            sec = _convert_symbol(i, reverse=True)
        tmp_rets.index = idx
        # Previous week's return data will be available the following monday
        by_date_returns[dates[n+1][MON]] = tmp_rets 
    except: break

Here's a sample output of the `by_date_returns`.

Next, I iterate over each return threshold partitioning the ETF's percent of total stocks greater than the threshold into two groups. Groups assigned '1' have a percentage in the top half of results and those assigned '0' have a percentage in the bottom half.  

Get time series of returns for Symbols in the top half of return distribution

1. Select positive(negative) return bins
2. Group by Percent Total of return bin distribution
3. Select group
4. Examine next week's returns
5. Store results

# ======================================================================= #
# Equally divide return bin counts(percentages) using pd.qcut()

pos_thresh = [0., .01, .02, .03, .04, .05, .06, .07, .1, .15, .2]
pbt_dict = od() # agg pos_bin_dict by return thresholds
for thresh in pos_thresh:
        pos_bin_dict = {}
        for k, v in by_date_pos.items():
            tmp = pd.DataFrame()
            tmp['Percent_Total'] = v.loc[thresh].astype(float)
            tmp['Halves'] = pd.qcut(tmp['Percent_Total'], 2, labels=False)
            pos_bin_dict[k] = tmp.sort_values('Percent_Total',
    except: pass
    pbt_dict[thresh] = pos_bin_dict

Sample output of `pbt_dict` output.

Now I calculate a theoretical holding period return of one week. To test whether mean reversion is a tradeable opportunity, this return assumes you long the bottom half of stocks i.e., the stocks with lowest percentage of components exceeding a return threshold, while shorting the top half of stocks i.e., the stocks with the highest percentage of components exceeding a return threshold. Afterwards I print out the average Long - Short return and the cumulative return for each return threshold. 

# ======================================================================= #
# at each threshold calculate cumulative returns by return bin
HPR = {} # hpr by thresh
for thresh in pbt_dict.keys():
    hpr_long = pd.Series() # long portfolio holding period rets
    hpr_short = pd.Series()
    LS = pd.Series()
    for k, v in pbt_dict[thresh].items():
        tgt_date = pd.to_datetime(k)
        # select half and get symbols
        top_q_syms = list(v[v['Halves']==1].index) # short top group
        bottom_q_syms = list(v[v['Halves']==0].index) # long bottom group
            for i, n in enumerate(dates):
                if n[MON] == tgt_date: # get index location of date
                    next_monday_close = dates[i + 1][MON]
        except: continue
        hpr_long.loc[tgt_date.strftime('%m-%d-%y')] = by_date_returns[next_monday_close][bottom_q_syms].mean()
        hpr_short.loc[tgt_date.strftime('%m-%d-%y')] = by_date_returns[next_monday_close][top_q_syms].mean()
        long = hpr_long.loc[tgt_date.strftime('%m-%d-%y')]
        short = hpr_short.loc[tgt_date.strftime('%m-%d-%y')]
        LS.loc[tgt_date.strftime('%m-%d-%y')] = long - short
    HPR[thresh] = LS

# ======================================================================= #
for thresh in fkeys:
        print('positive threshold: {:3.2%} | mean return: {:3.2%} | 
        				sum: {:3.2%}'.format(thresh,                                               Decimal(HPR[thresh].mean()).quantize(dplaces),
    except: pass

We can see some interesting results already. Now we do the same analysis for the negative return thresholds. This time we take a theoretical long position in the ETF's with the highest percentage of their component stocks falling below a specified threshold while shorting the ETF's with the lowest percentage of their component stocks falling below the threshold. 

# ======================================================================= #
# Equally divide return bin counts(percentages) using pd.qcut()

pos_thresh = [0., .01, .02, .03, .04, .05, .06, .07, .1, .15, .2]
neg_thresh = [ flt * -1. for flt in pos_thresh ]
nbt_dict = {} # agg pos_bin_dict by return thresholds
for thresh in neg_thresh:
        neg_bin_dict = {}
        for k, v in by_date_neg.items():
            tmp = pd.DataFrame()
            tmp['Percent_Total'] = v.loc[thresh].astype(float)
            tmp['Halves'] = pd.qcut(tmp['Percent_Total'], 2, labels=False)
            neg_bin_dict[k] = tmp.sort_values('Percent_Total', ascending=False)
    except: pass
    nbt_dict[thresh] = neg_bin_dict 
# ======================================================================= #
HPR_n = {} # hpr by thresh
for thresh in nbt_dict.keys():
    hpr_long = pd.Series() # long portfolio holding period rets
    hpr_short = pd.Series()
    LS = pd.Series()
    for k, v in nbt_dict[thresh].items(): 
        tgt_date = pd.to_datetime(k)
        # select halves and get symbols
        top_q_syms = list(v[v['Halves']==1].index)
        bottom_q_syms = list(v[v['Halves']==0].index)
            for i, n in enumerate(dates):
                if n[MON] == tgt_date: # get location of date
                    next_monday_close = dates[i + 1][MON]
        except: continue
        hpr_long.loc[tgt_date.strftime('%m-%d-%y')] = by_date_returns[next_monday_close][top_q_syms].mean()
        hpr_short.loc[tgt_date.strftime('%m-%d-%y')] = by_date_returns[next_monday_close][bottom_q_syms].mean()
        long = hpr_long.loc[tgt_date.strftime('%m-%d-%y')]
        short = hpr_short.loc[tgt_date.strftime('%m-%d-%y')]
        LS.loc[tgt_date.strftime('%m-%d-%y')] = long - short
    HPR_n[thresh] = LS
# ======================================================================= #
for thresh in sorted(list(nbt_dict.keys()), reverse=True):
    if len(HPR_n[thresh])>1:
            print('negative threshold: {:3.2%} | mean return: {:3.2%} | 
                  sum: {:3.2%}'.format(thresh,
        except: pass

Again we see some interesting results. On an event basis the average return for the negative mean reversion strategy is lower than the positive strategy, however, the cumulative sums of the returns are slightly higher. Let's review the cumulative return plots before drawing any conclusions. 

POsitive mean reversion strategy returns

Negative mean reversion strategy returns


By examining the percentage of ETF component stocks meeting or exceeded a return threshold and comparing the output across ETFs this analysis shows that there are short term mean reversion opportunities. Using positive return thresholds, the strategy calls for going long the ETFs with the lowest percentage of component stocks exceeding a return level and shorting the ETFs with the highest percentage of component stocks exceeding the level. Using the negative return thresholds, the strategy calls for going long the ETFs which the highest percentage of component stocks falling below the return level and going short the ETFs with the lowest percentage of component stocks falling below the return level. There are several details requiring further research but the most important is whether the average return per event(trade) is enough to overcome transaction costs and the bid/ask spread.