Mission Statement

Blackarbs current mission is to create automated strategies with the goal of beating the market with superior risk adjusted returns. Originally, I wanted to illuminate some of the more hidden aspects of markets and investing that I found interesting and of value. Over time, that goal crystallized into creating a strategy or strategies that made (potential) superior performance accessible to investors of all types and demographics. To this end I believe we have finally created a flagship algorithm.

Algorithm Requirements

  • It needs to utilize a small number of very liquid assets that everyone could access.

  • Implementation needed to be simple and allow investors to manually input orders if preferred.

  • It needed to be robust to major market regime shifts.

  • It needs to be able to be traded in a 401k or retirement account.

  • It needs to beat buy and hold on a risk adjusted basis.

Products and Services


Get access to our flagship retirement algorithm [click here]. This strategy is suitable for retirement accounts and active investors who can tolerate risk. To learn more about the development and motivation of the algorithm read more [click here]!


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